Why darker skin types usually don’t need ink for stretch mark camouflage

Darker skin types USUALLY don’t need ink when having stretch mark tattoo camouflage.

Fitzpatrick skin types V-VI usually don’t need ink when having stretch mark tattoo camouflage, and here’s why…


The trend of camouflaging stretch marks has definitely kicked off!  The treatment is more popular currently in the USA, with new “artists” popping up all over the place.


One thing noticeable is the rise of these artists tattooing women / men of colour (darker Fitzpatrick skin types 5/6).  It is of course delightful for darker skin types to finally have an option to disguise their stretch marks, after a lifetime of being told they are not suitable for a number of treatments.  This is especially distressing when stretch marks on darker skin types can look so much more obvious due to the contrast in colour of lighter stretch marks compared to their darker skin colour.


People of colour are rushing in to have this treatment without being given another, less well-known treatment, called MCA inkless needling.  This is similar to tattoo camouflage with ink, but instead of ink we replace this with scar repair serums, which are pushed deeper in to the skin with the fine tattoo needle.  The controlled skin trauma not only can shrink and smooth stretch marks, but can also stimulate natural skin melanin to come back, especially in darker skin types.  There is a risk involved of hyperpigmentation, as with any needling treatment, including tattooing with ink.  If a darker skin client has ink tattooing without testing their own melanin response without ink first, using the inkless method, there is a risk the ink PLUS melanin will heal too dark.  It is SO important to test this first.


In some cases, darker skin types do not produce enough melanin to disguise the whiter stretch marks.  If this is the case, once the stretch marks are smooth to touch from inkless needling, we can then add ink.  Adding ink in to deeper or wrinkly stretch marks won’t give the best end result, since the texture difference will still make them noticeable, even if they are the same colour as the surrounding skin.  It is so important to smooth the stretch marks first with inkless needling.  It is a last step to add in ink.  Several sessions of the inkless method may be needed to see a good improvement and it is important clients give it a chance to work and not give up after one session if they don’t think they have seen an improvement.  it is possible to get great results after even just x1 session, but we can’t predict how anyone’s skin will respond.


So don’t be fooled by the trend to be so quick to add ink in your stretch marks if you are Fitzpatrick 5/6!  The inkless option is a natural, permanent repair to the skin that needs no future maintenance.  Of course, if someone puts on weight / loses weight again, more stretch marks can form, but otherwise no further treatment is needed.  However, with ink, even though permanent ink is used, this will still fade over time (due to dilutions needed for it to look natural), so top-ups will be needed after some time.  If anyone tells you it lasts forever, this is incorrect.  The amount of time for the ink to fade varies greatly per client, but generally it will slowly fade over 3-10 years.  No ink is truly permanent, and no ink is truly semi permanent (some ink will always be found in the skin, even if you can hardly see it).


Ink Illusions loves helping men and women of colour get back their confidence by repairing stretch marks which can cause so much anxiety and stress.  We have years of experience working on ALL skin types and we would be glad to help you!  Please have a look at the link below on how to proceed with our FREE online consultation.




Below are some examples of our treatment WITHOUT using ink on our clients with darker skin tones – as you can see yourself, no ink was needed!

before and after srtetch mark camouflage inkless darker skin
inkless stretch mark treatment on darker skin stomach
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