Client enquiry form

Interested in receiving treatment? If yes, please fill in the form below including your details and what area(s) you are looking to treat. Rest assured that we treat every client’s information with the utmost sensitivity and your information is only shared with the practitioners. All your data is protected per the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

    Have you been to us before?

    Condition(s) - select all that apply

    Select the treatment you're interested in below. * (Please scroll to the bottom of the form for a pricing guide)
    Select your skin type on the Fitzpatrick scale shown below (or closest)*

    The Link To Our Official ESTIMATED Pricing Guide: (Please note that these are just starting points for each area / treatment, and can vary depending on the size, condition, number of area(s) etc.)

    Please select below if you have read the pricing guide below:
    ***Please look at the STARTING PRICES for treatments here and select which one applies to you.

    Are you asking about multiple areas/conditions or treatments?* [group areyou-other] [/group]

    [group areyou-yes] If yes, please explain further below: [/group]
    Please upload photos and/or videos of the areas you'd like to have treated. (MAXIMUM INDIVIDUAL FILE SIZE 6MB - MAXIMUM TOTAL SIZE 19MB)
    (We treat your photos with the highest level of privacy.
    Your data is not shared with anyone other than the practitioners).
    If you experience any issues uploading your images, please submit the form without images and send images on WhatsApp to +44 7751 254138.

    How long have you had you scarring / condition for? *
    Do you have any other medical conditions or disabilities which may affect your treatment? If so, please comment below:
    How did you find Ink Illusions?
    Please send us your availability/preferred dates and times:
    Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?
    Would you be interested in being a model on our training days?
    (Massive model discounts on treatments)

    All fields marked with a * are compulsory to answer - please ensure all are completed before submitting
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